

The Eye Center, P.A. in Columbia South Carolina

May 1, 2013

The Eye Center, P.A. 1655 Bernadin Avenue Columbia, South Carolina 29204 www.EyeSeeNaturally.com (803) 256-0641 The Eye Center is the leading refractive practice in South Carolina,


The Poison IS in the Dosage

Apr 26, 2013

For people who purchase Celexa, they should know that Celexa lawsuits are pending. This is to say that people should monitor the Celexa message board


Sleep Apnea

Apr 22, 2013

Sleep Apnea can be very serious, disrupting an individual’s ability to get a sound nights sleep. If you suspect that you may be suffering from


Palestra Boutique Spa in Charlotte NC

Apr 11, 2013

Palestra Boutique Spa 210 South Caswell Road Charlotte, NC 28204 www.Palestraboutiquespa.com 17045948033 Dedicated to bringing tranquility and well-being to our guests, Palestra Boutique Spa offers


The Importance Of Acupuncture Advertising

Apr 10, 2013

After you’ve spent a long time learning the art of acupuncture you’re probably ready to set up shop and start accepting new clients. However, you